Master Message List

You have successfully setup a CRISII Web Application named CRISII.Application.RiscApplication!Please review the following information is correct: RiscApplication.ApplicationID: 26RiscApplication.LocalTestingEnabled: False------ All application variables will be pulled from the database.RiscApplication.Name: mathemporiumRiscApplication.BaseUrl: ~/Default.aspxRiscApplication.LoginPage: ~/Login.aspx------ Any page that calls RiscBaseMasterPage.EnsureUserIsLoggedIn() that does not have a valid user, the user will be redirect to ~/Login.aspxRiscApplication.ClosedMessage: This application is currently closed.RiscApplication.Description: Login Page for third Party ALEKS system.RiscApplication.EmailTestingMode: Is OFFRiscApplication.HasStudentPermissions: FalseRiscApplication.IsOpen: TrueRiscApplication.MaxVisitorCount: 20RiscApplication.MaxVisitorsErrorMessage: RiscApplication.RiscMessageListID: MessageListID30452348RiscApplication.Secure: FalseRiscApplication.XMLTooltipsAvailable: FalseRiscApplication.XMLToolTipFile: ~/xmltips.xml

Master Login View

Login to ALEKS:


Student access to ALEKS Placement and Learning Modules.

NOTE: Please read before logging in.

  • The ALEKS placement assessment will carefully build up a picture of exactly what mathematics you know. This information will help your advisor to register you in the class that best meets your needs and where you have the best chance of success.
  • Never guess an answer. Always do your best to find and enter the correct answer. The questions are not multiple choice, but you will always have the option to answer "I don't know."
  • If you choose "I don't know" when you do know or might know, there is a risk you would place into a course below the level you need to take. This will likely delay your graduation.