Server: EPROD
Exception to Program Workflow
Click "Start a Request" and search for a student using Kent
State User ID or FlashLine username.
- Confirm you have the correct student selected.
Select a program for the student from the displayed program of study card(s).
KSU Required Course/Program Requirement:
- List course prefix and number for the Kent State requirement. (e.g. PSYC 11762)
- If the course can satisfy Core (Humanities, Social Sciences, etc.) and/or Diversity, that designation can be placed under KSU requirement. (e.g. KHUM, KSS, DIVD, DIVD, etc.)
- Another option is to apply course to a specific group requirement on the audit. (e.g. MIS Electives)
Credit Hours for KSU required course/program requirement should match what is
listed on the GPS audit.
Substituted or Transferred Course(s):
- List both the the articulated course department and number (e.g. TRAN 1X004 OR COMM 15000)
- For transfer classes, students will provide a course syllabus or a course description – attach a scan of this document in step 4.
- For course substitutions, list the class that will be allowed to fulfill a requirement.
Credit Hours for substituted or transferred course should match what is listed on the GPS
audit or student transcript.
Term Taken must indicate in which term the student completed the course that is being
applied to the audit (e.g. Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Summer 2015.) Transfer students: Please include term it
was taken at the host institution. For term refer to transcript in FlashFAST.
"Apply to" and "Standard Equivalency":
- Please designate whether exception applies to Major, Minor or Other. Other can be used to designate classes to be applied to Kent Core, University, Foreign Language or Additional Requirements.
- If an exception for a transfer class is to be considered for all students, please check "Standard Equivalency." UAC/Department Evaluator will make the decision of whether it is to be approved as such.
If a student has submitted their application for graduation, mark this field yes and select
the appropriate term from the drop down box.
Explanations/Comments lines allow for further information if necessary.